In February 2024, Muller and Co. hosted a Procter & Gamble-sponsored sale at METU to raise funds for the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). By selling P&G products, we aimed to support WWF’s wildlife conservation projects and educate students about the importance of protecting endangered species. This event highlighted how corporate sponsorships can fuel important environmental…
In October 2023, Muller and Co. Holding teamed up with Unilever and Greenpeace for a special fundraising event at Koç University. The goal? To raise awareness about environmental conservation and contribute to Greenpeace's vital work. Through the sale of Unilever products, we brought together students, activists, and sustainability enthusiasts to support efforts to combat climate…
In December 2022, Müller and Co. Holding joined forces with Canadian Global Response to host a humanitarian workshop at Boğaziçi University. The event brought together students, faculty, and global aid experts to explore the challenges of delivering effective relief in disaster zones and conflict areas. We provided a platform for future humanitarians to learn from…